Basic Security in Replication – Outline
This Outline is based
on MongoDB documentation
Deploy Replica Set With Keyfile
Access Control
- Security between members of the replica set using Internal Authentication, and
- Security between connecting clients and the replica set using Role-Based Access Control.
Create a keyfile.
The following operation
uses openssl to generate a complex pseudo-random 1024 character string to use
for a keyfile.
# openssl rand -base64
756 > <path-to-keyfile>
# chmod 400 <path-to-keyfile>
2. Copy the keyfile to each replica
set member.
- Copy the keyfile to each server hosting the replica set members.
- Ensure that the user running the mongod instances can access the keyfile.
3. Enforce access control on each member of the replica set.
Running a mongod with
the keyFile parameter enforces both Internal Authentication and Role-Based
Access Control.
Configuration File
keyFile: <path-to-keyfile>
replSetName: <replicaSetName>
4. Connect to a member of the replica
set over the localhost interface.
- Connect a mongo shell to one of the mongod instances over the localhost interface.
- The localhost interface is only available since no users have been created for the deployment.
- The localhost interface closes after the creation of the first user.
5. Initiate the replica set.
Initiate the replica
set using ,
# rs.initiate()
Add the members to the
replica set,
# rs.add(“<hostname>:<portno>”)
# rs.add(“<hostname>:<portno>”)
6. Create the user administrator.
- Add a user using the db.createUser() method. The user should have at minimum the userAdminAnyDatabase role on the admin database.
- You must be connected to the primary to create users.
- The following example creates the user tommy with the userAdminAnyDatabase role on the admin database.
admin =
user: "tommy",
pwd: "changeme1",
roles: [ { role:
"userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]
7. Authenticate as the user
Authenticate to the
admin database.
# db.getSiblingDB("admin").auth("tommy",
"changeme1" )
Alternatively, connect
a new mongo shell to the primary replica set member using,
# mongo -u "tommy"
-p "changeme1" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
8. Create the cluster administrator.
- The clusterAdmin role grants access to replication operations, such as configuring the replica set.
- Create a cluster administrator user and assign the clusterAdmin role in the admin database:
"user" : "jerry",
"pwd" : "changeme2",
roles: [ { "role" :
"clusterAdmin", "db" : "admin" } ]
9. Create additional users
Create users to allow
clients to connect and interact with the replica set, if required.
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