MongoDB 4.0.8 - Installation
Install MongoDB and Configure Replica Set
1) create user - mongod
home directory - /home/mongod
groupadd -g 490 mongod
useradd mongod -u 496 -g mongod -c 'mongod User' -s /bin/bash -d /home/mongod
id mongod
2) Create file in /etc/init.d - /etc/init.d/mongod
chown mongod:mongod /etc/init.d/mongod
chmod 775 /etc/init.d/mongod
3) create directory in /var/run/ - /var/run/mongodb/
chown mongod:mongod /var/run/mongodb/
chmod 775 /var/run/mongodb/
4) Change ownership and permission for /data
chown -R mongod:mongod /data
chmod -R 775 /data
server1:27017 - Pri
server2:27017 - Sec
server3:27017 – Sec
Prerequisites – for all the 3 servers
Create necessary directories
# dzdo su - mongod
# mkdir -p /data/usr/conf
# mkdir -p /data/usr/logs/
# mkdir -p /data/usr/mongod_data
# chown -R mongod:mongod /data/usr
# chmod -R 775 /data/usr
# mkdir -p /var/run/mongodb/
# chown mongod:mongod /var/run/mongodb/
# chmod 775 /var/run/mongodb/
# chmod -R 775 /data/usr
# touch /etc/init.d/mongod
# chown mongod:mongod /etc/init.d/mongod
# chmod 775 /etc/init.d/mongod
Copy the Latest copy of binaries
# scp -r /data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8 user@server1:/tmp
# scp -r /data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8 user@server2:/tmp
# scp -r /data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8 user@server3:/tmp
# chmod -R 777 /tmp/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8
# dzdo su - mongod
# cp -r /tmp/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8 /data/usr/
# cp -avr /data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.6.5 /data/usr/
# scp -r user@server10:/data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.6.5 /data/usr/
# tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.6.5.tgz
Create Softlink
# ln -s /data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8 /data/usr/mongodb
Create Config File:
# vi /data/usr/conf/mongod.conf
port: 27017
bindIpAll: true
pidFilePath: /var/run/mongodb/
fork: true
# keyFile: /data/usr/keyfile
replSetName: Media_Feed_Auto
dbPath: /data/usr/mongod_data
destination: file
logAppend: true
logRotate: rename
path: /data/usr/logs/mongod.log
# :wq!
# chown -R mongod:mongod /data/usr
# chmod -R 775 /data/usr
Create Init.d scripts – to run mongod as a service
# copy the script to the file /etc/init.d/mongod
File Paths
Config File Path: /data/usr/conf/mongod.conf
Log File Path: /data/usr/logs/mongod.log
Binary File Path: /data/usr/mongodb/bin/mongod
Configure Replica Set:
1) Start each member of the replica set.
# dzdo service mongod start
2) Connect to a member of the replica set.
# /data/usr/mongodb/bin/mongo
3) Initiate the replica set.
# rs.initiate()
# rs.add("server2:27017")
# rs.add("server3:27017")
Login to mongo console
/data/usr/mongodb/bin/mongo mongodb://server1:27017,server2:27017,server3:27017/admin?replicaSet=Media_Feed_Auto
Install MongoDB and Configure Replica Set
1) create user - mongod
home directory - /home/mongod
groupadd -g 490 mongod
useradd mongod -u 496 -g mongod -c 'mongod User' -s /bin/bash -d /home/mongod
id mongod
2) Create file in /etc/init.d - /etc/init.d/mongod
chown mongod:mongod /etc/init.d/mongod
chmod 775 /etc/init.d/mongod
3) create directory in /var/run/ - /var/run/mongodb/
chown mongod:mongod /var/run/mongodb/
chmod 775 /var/run/mongodb/
4) Change ownership and permission for /data
chown -R mongod:mongod /data
chmod -R 775 /data
server1:27017 - Pri
server2:27017 - Sec
server3:27017 – Sec
Prerequisites – for all the 3 servers
Create necessary directories
# dzdo su - mongod
# mkdir -p /data/usr/conf
# mkdir -p /data/usr/logs/
# mkdir -p /data/usr/mongod_data
# chown -R mongod:mongod /data/usr
# chmod -R 775 /data/usr
# mkdir -p /var/run/mongodb/
# chown mongod:mongod /var/run/mongodb/
# chmod 775 /var/run/mongodb/
# chmod -R 775 /data/usr
# touch /etc/init.d/mongod
# chown mongod:mongod /etc/init.d/mongod
# chmod 775 /etc/init.d/mongod
Copy the Latest copy of binaries
# scp -r /data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8 user@server1:/tmp
# scp -r /data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8 user@server2:/tmp
# scp -r /data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8 user@server3:/tmp
# chmod -R 777 /tmp/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8
# dzdo su - mongod
# cp -r /tmp/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8 /data/usr/
# cp -avr /data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.6.5 /data/usr/
# scp -r user@server10:/data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.6.5 /data/usr/
# tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.6.5.tgz
Create Softlink
# ln -s /data/usr/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-4.0.8 /data/usr/mongodb
Create Config File:
# vi /data/usr/conf/mongod.conf
port: 27017
bindIpAll: true
pidFilePath: /var/run/mongodb/
fork: true
# keyFile: /data/usr/keyfile
replSetName: Media_Feed_Auto
dbPath: /data/usr/mongod_data
destination: file
logAppend: true
logRotate: rename
path: /data/usr/logs/mongod.log
# :wq!
# chown -R mongod:mongod /data/usr
# chmod -R 775 /data/usr
Create Init.d scripts – to run mongod as a service
# copy the script to the file /etc/init.d/mongod
File Paths
Config File Path: /data/usr/conf/mongod.conf
Log File Path: /data/usr/logs/mongod.log
Binary File Path: /data/usr/mongodb/bin/mongod
Configure Replica Set:
1) Start each member of the replica set.
# dzdo service mongod start
2) Connect to a member of the replica set.
# /data/usr/mongodb/bin/mongo
3) Initiate the replica set.
# rs.initiate()
# rs.add("server2:27017")
# rs.add("server3:27017")
Login to mongo console
/data/usr/mongodb/bin/mongo mongodb://server1:27017,server2:27017,server3:27017/admin?replicaSet=Media_Feed_Auto